Sustainability starts with the basics

At Franson we have been committed to sustainability since our founding in 2004.
In every aspect of our production process we think about how it can be made even more sustainable, and we make the necessary investments so that we not only follow the legislation in this respect, but preferably even stay ahead. We set the bar higher than it should be, because we sincerely believe that sustainability is the only option in both the short and long term, and because we see the benefits.
We look forward to a sustainable future with confidence. A sustainable future for cattle in general. And a sustainable future for our beloved Belgian white and blue.
Everything starts with the basics: sustainable feeds produced in a sustainable manner.

Last update: May 2023

Target 1 | Reducing methane emissions from cattle

The agri-food sector, together with the Flemish government, is committed to reducing methane emissions from cattle by 26% by 2030.
This compared to 2016. The Belgian animal feed sector will achieve half of this (13%) by 2025 with specific feed measures.

Beer marc and rapeseed meal

  • Only applicable with specific ration composition
  • Methane reduction for dairy cattle: 8%
  • Has been started and will be adjusted based on progressive insight

Extruded / expanded linseed

  • Only in case of specific basic ration: maize VS grass silage
  • Determine characteristics of extruded/expanded linseed (Fat content)
  • Methane reduction for dairy cattle: 9%
  • Has been started and will be adjusted based on progressive insight
  • Extensive cultivation: linseed grows on land where little can be grown, with minimal use of fertilisers and pesticides.
  • Linseed is an important provider of omega 3, which is important for cattle.

3NOP (3-Nitrooxypropanol)

  • Methane reduction for dairy cattle:  30%
  • Will be provided for beef cattle in the course of 2025.


  • By providing nitrate in the concentrate, we reduce methane production.
  • Methane reduction for dairy cattle: 10%
  • Methane reduction for beef cattle: 8%

Rapeseed fat

  • Providing rapeseed fat in the form of rapeseed meal, rapeseed cake or crushed rapeseed reduces methane production
  • Methane reduction for dairy cattle: 5% 

It is also possible to combine measures.

Methane reduction

  • In 2023, a study will be conducted together with ILVO into our own concept, with the aim of achieving a significant methane reduction over the entire life cycle of beef cattle.

Methane  | Some facts

Livestock farming is barely 6% responsible for the emission of greenhouse gases on earth.
No1 is industry and No 2 is transportation.

HARMFULNESS1 ton of methane > 25 tons of CO2.
⇒ Methane is a more harmful greenhouse gas than CO2.

LIFETIME: methane = 10 years  | CO2 = 1000 years
⇒ Methane breaks down 100x faster than CO2.

Target 2 | More energy-efficient production| CO2 reduction


The most efficient kilowatt is the kilowatt you don’t use. We took this very literally when developing the unique production process of our new factory. All unnecessary transport has been rigorously eliminated. Where transport did prove necessary, we opted for energy-efficient and product-friendly solutions.
The result is 75% energy savings in the transport systems, less maintenance and wear and tear. And all requirements with regard to traceability and hygiene have been met, because that too is sustainability.


At the end of 2016, the oldest blending line was upgraded to a highly efficient process, becoming a state of the art sustainability.
The blending line uses up to 25% less energy, it is low in wear and maintenance, requires minimal physical effort and operates around 50% quieter. This results in an excellent score in terms of sustainability and hygiene.


In June 2015, we carried out a total renovation of our steam supply. We switched from fuel oil to the much more environmentally friendly fuel: natural gas. Everything has been thought of: a condenser, insulation mattresses, electronically modulating gas burners, etc.


We minimise the impact of transport from the factory to our customers by investing, through our transport company ALNATRA, in environmentally friendly and fuel-efficient trucks, mainly EURO 6 cars. At the end of the ride, for the most efficient transfer of our products to the customer’s premises, we promote auger transport, which is more energy-efficient than the blowing function. The all mash is then fed into the silo with the greatest care for quality via a mechanical auger.


Our supplier gives us a guarantee of 100% green and 100% Belgian electricity. Our energy supplier warrants that all electricity purchased by Franson will be generated from renewable energy sources in accordance with applicable law.


  • Expansion of an electric fleet since 2019.
  • Every broken lamp is systematically replaced by a smart LED lamp.
  • All motors with substantial power that we purchase have an efficiency level of IE4.
  • In 2020, we invested in a high-voltage transformer that belongs to the class with maximum efficiency (eco-design).


In 2021, we installed new control software that ensures significantly more efficient use of the production lines and includes a batch-on-batch system, among other things.
We save 30% energy through more efficient control of all devices and lines.


In 2022, our oldest press line was completely replaced. Among other things, the new press has a direct drive and a class IE4 motor.
In addition, the entire cooling system was replaced by an installation with the best energy efficiency.
These major investments result in a total energy saving of 18% for the new press line.


In 2022, we installed new steam dosing sets on all press lines that work on the basis of an algorithm that is based on the temperature of the product to be pressed, the temperature of the steam-treated product and the effectively measured amount of added steam.
In addition, our entire steam infrastructure was renewed.
All this results in a saving of 30% steam.


In 2022, all intake lines of our mixing line 1 were completely renewed. The new installation has a high unloading capacity, a low carry-over percentage, is maintenance-friendly and has a high energy efficiency.
In addition, we have made a number of interventions that drastically shortened the transport path of the product between the unloading point and the silo.
These investments result in energy savings of 50% compared to the old installation. In addition, the trucks can be used much more efficiently due to the high unloading capacity.

CO2-neutral by 2050

Target 3 | Using nutrients more efficiently


feed conversion rate 1,7
but partly in competition with human consumption


feed conversion rate 2,8
but partly in competition with human

Cattle feed  100% from side products


feed conversion 5 to 8 but possibility to use 100% by-products from, among other things, human production, so not in competition with humans


Because we only supply customised feeds, nothing is wasted.
We make sure there is nothing too little, nothing too much.


Our unique concept:



Determine which animals the customer has, make an inventory (sex, age, dairy cattle, fat stock, etc.) and determine which nutrients these specific animals require, considering the breeder’s and his customers’ expectations, as well as legal provisions.



Roughage analysis: the quality and nutritional value of the breeder’s roughage is measured in our own laboratory. Based on this analysis, we determine which percentage of the breeder’s own farm produce can be used.



Franson will then top up the breeder’s own farm produce with tailor-made concentrates. The breeder mixes his own products with these extra ingredients.



An additional advantage: Franson then takes a sample of the total mixed ration and checks whether it matches the previously determined needs. A minimum purchase on an annual basis is required for this service.

We focus on consuming locally

Transport optimised and as local as possible 

We strive to purchase as locally as possible, to use our transport as efficiently as possible and to keep empty trucking to a minimum.

Click on a pin for more information.


High-quality, custom cattle feed

Sluis 3, 9810 Nazareth (Eke)


33,4km – Alco Bio Fuel (Gent)

maize germ scrap

17km – Vandamme (Deinze)

Flax chaff pellets

11km – D’Huyvetter (Kruisem)

potato chips

51,8km – Croky (Moeskroen)

Linseed flakes

27,6km – Scaldis (Kluisbergen)

Fine bran

14,5km – Molens Van Oudenaarde

Field beans

22km – Etikhove, farmers from the region

beet pulp

59km – Fontenoy (Antoing)

Target 4 | Stimulating the circular economy

The raw materials for cattle feed come from side products of production for human consumption: no competition with the human consumption, no waste.
By 2030, 50% of the raw materials used in the Belgian animal feed industry will come from side products from the food and biofuel industry. Each BFA member receives an annual insight into his use of secondary flows compared to the average in the sector.

Side products are being valorised, we achieved   76.5% in 2022.
Of those side streams, only 10.5% soy.


Extract raw materials for  80% from valorized side products.

Target 5 | Use of alternative protein sources

BFA and the Flemish government are jointly renewing the alternative protein sources action plan by 2021.
The animal feed sector strives for less soy imports from non-European countries and a more diverse use of alternative protein sources.
Soy has a negative connotation: the plantations are at the expense of the Amazon forest, transport with polluting ships, genetically manipulated, …
We resolutely opt for field beans, the best alternative to soy.


  • the field beans are locally grown,
  • are a blessing for bee populations thanks to their lush floral display,
  • require very few pesticides,
  • are not genetically modified.
  • Moreover, field beans belong to the leguminosae: the only plant group that takes nitrogen from the air and not from the soil, which means that no artificial fertilisers are needed.
  • The plant is very self-supporting, so it is low-maintenance.
  • We strive for a 100% local protein supply, whereby the proteins come from the side products of the local processing industry on the one hand and from the field beans on the other.
  • Moreover, as an animal feed company, we are committed to promote field beans to the agricultural companies.

Target 6 | Animal welfare

Our advisors encourage our customers to focus on animal welfare.

Absolutely no medicines are added to the cattle feed. Maximum efforts are made to ensure a healthy, balanced diet with a healthy animal as the goal. In this way, the administration of medicines by the vet can also be further reduced.
The addition of vitamins and trace elements is, however, necessary within the framework of optimum animal health.
Our customers are our partners in animal welfare and they take extra care and attention to the health and comfort of the animals.
The entire concept of housing, daily care (shaving, hoof care, …) and feeding is aimed at the maximum welfare of the cattle.
Our customers make every effort to ensure that the animals do not fall ill, so that the use of medicines can be kept to an absolute minimum.
A lot of attention is also paid to the transport of the animals in order to reduce stress.

Target 7 | Human well-being – Work safety

BFA updates the occupational safety manual (2021) and organizes training courses for its members.
BFA is developing a monitoring system by 2022 to monitor the number of occupational accidents.
With this, we want to reduce the number of industrial accidents in our sector by 10% by 2030 compared to 2022.
We have employed a safety advisor since 2020.

ecent achievements:

Safety platform

Drivers loading cattle feed no longer have to clamber on top of their lorry, tied to a lifeline. They can now use a comfortable staircase on a safety platform with a fence to carry out the necessary actions above the truck. Safety comes first, we want to avoid work accidents at all times.

High voltage cabin

We have built a new high-voltage cabin, so that it fully complies with the ARAB to ensure the safety of the workers and third parties in the workplaces. The necessary native shrubs, Cornus alba Sibirica, and a currant tree, Amelanchier lamarckii, have also been planted. Soon the dark green cabin will be nicely camouflaged between the fresh greenery. Everything in function of sustainability.

Target 8 | Sustainability officer

In order to meet the growing demand for sustainability and environmental protection, and the increasingly strict regulations of the various governments, Franson will recruit a sustainability manager in 2023.
The sustainability manager will stimulate awareness of the environment and sustainability in the company by continuously raising awareness.
Sustainability and environmental awareness also ensure cost savings and competitive advantage.
By reducing waste, using resources more efficiently and implementing energy-saving measures, Franson is able to reduce operational costs. A sustainability manager can identify, implement and actively communicate these initiatives, so that the company achieves long-term financial benefits and distinguishes itself from the competition.
People, Planet and Profit go hand in hand.

Target 9 | ISO 14001 certificate

Franson werkt momenteel aan de implementatie van een milieumanagementsysteem volgens de norm ISO 14001. Hiermee wil Franson haar duurzaamheidsbeleid en haar engagement om de impact op het milieu te verminderen verder kracht bijzetten.

Enkele belangrijke aspecten die worden behandeld in een ISO 14001-certificaat omvatten:

Milieubeleid: De organisatie moet een beleid opstellen waarin haar toewijding aan milieubeheer en naleving van wettelijke vereisten wordt uiteengezet.

Planning: Er moet een systematische aanpak zijn voor het identificeren van milieurisico’s en het vaststellen van doelstellingen en targets voor verbetering.

Implementatie en uitvoering: Het opzetten van interne processen en procedures om te voldoen aan de milieudoelstellingen, het beheren van middelen, het trainen van medewerkers en het communiceren van relevante informatie.

Controle en correctie: Het monitoren van de prestaties, het vaststellen van controlemechanismen, het identificeren van afwijkingen en het nemen van corrigerende maatregelen.

Beoordeling en verbetering: Het regelmatig beoordelen van het milieumanagementsysteem, het uitvoeren van interne audits en het streven naar continue verbetering van de milieuprestaties.

Met een ISO 14001-certificaat kunnen organisaties aantonen dat ze serieus bezig zijn met milieubeheer, wat kan bijdragen aan een positieve reputatie, betere naleving van regelgeving, kostenbesparingen en het aantrekken van klanten die belang hechten aan duurzaamheid.

Our commitment

Significantly reduce methane emissions from cattle

More energy-efficient production  – COneutral by 2050

Maximum efficiency of the nutrients

Maximum use of the farm’s own raw materials

Animal feed raw materials 80% from circular economy

Bringing soy from outside Europe to zero

Use of alternative protein sources

Sustainable transport

Animal welfare

Human well-being and work safety

Hiring a sustainability manager

Obtaining the ISO 14001 certificate

Belgian white-blue  |  Durability

Actually, our Belgian white-blue breed does better than other breeds:
the methane emissions of Brazilian and Irish beef are considerably higher than the emissions of Belgian-white-blue beef. (See chart) (Zie grafiek)


feed conversion rate 5 to 8
but 100% uit nevenstromen, dus geen concurrentie met de menselijke consumptie

Belgian white-blue:

feed conversion rate 5
Of all the cattle ruminants, the BWB is the most efficient.